Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Our Second Meeting

Hey hey Girl Scouts! Our second meeting is coming up.

Thursday, October 1, 2015
6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. NEW!
Leader Michelle Deeter's House

Here's what we'll do:

  • Finish our Girl Scout Way badge activities
  • Have a Girl Scout Law scavenger hunt
  • Pick our troop crest
  • Learn about our Fall Product Sale
  • Make troop T-shirts


Our troop field trip to Camp Spookybrook on 10/24 is CANCELLED as we got waitlisted for the event. Instead, we are having our own Halloween Party on Thursday, 10/29/2015 from 6P-8P at Camp Stonybrook in Waynesville. There will be facepainting, s'mores, and crafts. We are looking for parents to volunteer to hand out candy at a "trunk-or-treat."

We have a couple of activities coming up that must be pre-paid in order to get tickets:

Scout's Honor Weekend at Newport Aquarium

Saturday, November 7th, 2015, 10A to 6P
$11 per person for scouts, families, and friends. Scouts will get a patch.

Cinderella Dance Workshop at the Cincinnati Ballet Studio

Sunday, February 14th, 2016, 4:30 - 5:30P
The workshop is $15 and if scouts and families want to go to a performance of Cinderella afterward (6:30-8:30P), tickets are $20 each.
Only 30 spots are available--money will be returned if we can't get spots.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Your Brownie Vest

Here's a handy diagram of where to put all the insignia on your Brownie vest.  To get started, your scout needs only:

  • American Flag Patch (1)
  • Council Identification Set (2)
  • Troop Numbers (4)
  • Brownie Insignia Tab (11)
  • World Trefoil Pin (12)
  • Brownie Membership Pin (13)

When you attach the troop numbers, please leave room above for the Troop Crest (3), which the girls will select. The Troop will provide this, along with Membership Stars + Discs (5) and the Bridge to Brownies Award (6) for those girls who were Daisies before becoming Brownies.

All other pins and badges that you see on this diagram will be added as the girls earn them.

Remember that "fun patches," like the Brownies Can Do Anything! patch given at the first meeting, go on the back of the vest only. Unless you are sewing on your patches (a lot of work!), I suggest you start attaching them in the center along the bottom of the vest and work upward, since the "sticky" tends to get caught in the girls' hair.

Girls should wear their vests to all meetings and some of our field trips.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Troop Kickoff for Fall 2015

Welcome to Brownies! Are you ready for lots of fun?  Mark your calendars for our first meeting of the 2015-2016 year:

Thursday, September 17th
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Leader Michelle Deeter's House

What we'll do:

  • Parents' Meeting (short!)
  • Make name tags
  • Get to know each other with a fun M&M game
  • Talk about our troop's "Kaper Chart"
  • Choose our troop crest (what we stand for!)
  • Learn some Girl Scout Traditions
  • Choose some of the badges we'll earn

Returning Daisies

Please bring your Daisy vests with you . . . I have patches and other awards that I did not have a chance to distribute last year. I also (finally!) have cookie prizes for the three girls who sold cookies last year.

Notes for Parents

  1. Please bring your checkbooks for Troop dues. Sorry, it's that time of year.
  2. If you haven't signed up for the Remind service and you want to receive reminders by text message, please email Beth for an invite.
  3. Important! Please click the "Troop Calendar" link at right and look for the weekend field trips--Sewing, Flag Ceremony, and Climbing Wall. Need to know how many spots to reserve.
  4. If you use Google Calendar for yourself or your family, we can share this calendar with you, and then you will not have to retype anything. Just let Beth know if you want this done.
  5. Please start saving and bringing with you the metal pull-tabs from beverage cans and the plastic clips from loaves of bread.